Room 7 - Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
Since November 2011: Full Professor of Economics at DEMM
Senior Research Fellow, RCEA (Rimini Center for Economic Analysis), University of Bologna in Rimini, Italy
Research fellow, CICSE (Interuniversity Center for Economic Growth and Development), University of Pisa, Italy
Scientific Director of the FinGro Lab (Research Laboratory on Finance and Growth), University of Milan, Italy
Master in Economics from Bocconi University, Italy
February 1999:
PhD in Economics from the University of Ancona, Italy
September 2002:
PhD in Economics at Universite ’catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Research interests
Economic growth and mark-up
Dilution effects in growth models with investment in human capital and choice of exogenous / endogenous fertility
R&D and economic growth based on innovation
Culture in economic growth models (one- and two-sector growth models)
Public spending, public capital, private capital and economic growth
Return to specialization, population and competition on the product market in endogenous growth models based on R&D Finance and Growth.
Recently submitted papers
Health and economic growth in a model with investments in research and development and accumulation of human capital
In collaboration with A. Baldanzi, University of Milan and K. Prettner, Vienna University of Technology and Hohenheim University, Germany
Financial development and economic growth: long-term equilibrium and transition dynamics
In collaboration with S. Marsiglio, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, University of Wollongong, Australia
Specialization vs competition: an anatomy of increasing returns to scale
In collaboration with P. Ushchev, NRU-HSE, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
On the (non-monotonous) relationship between economic growth and finance
In collaboration with S. Marsiglio, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, University of Wollongong, Australia and C. Prettner, Dept. of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Variety, competition and population in economic growth: theory and empirics
In collaboration with L. Carbonari, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, and Giovanni Trovata, University of Tor Vergata, Rome
Recent Publications
Horizontal Differentiation and Economic Growth under the Non-CES Aggregate Production Function (in collaboration with V. Matveenko), Journal of Economics (2016, forthcoming)
Population and economic growth under different growth engines (in collaboration with X. Raurich), German Economic Review (2016, forthcoming)
Product Proliferation, Population and Economic Growth, Journal of Human Capital, 9 (2), Summer 2015, pp. 170-197
Smart Endogenous Growth: Cultural Capital and the Creative Use of Skills (in collaboration with PL Sacco and G. Segre), International Journal of Manpower, 35 (1-2), May 2014, pp. 33-55.
Non-Monotonicity of Fertility in Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth (in collaboration with S. Boikos and T. Stengos), Journal of Macroeconomics, 38 (Part A), December 2013, pp. 44-59.
Returns to Specialization, Competition, Population and Growth, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37 (10), October 2013, pp. 2023-2040.
On the interaction between public and private capital in economic growth (in collaboration with C. Del Bo), Journal of Economics, 106 (2), June 2012, pp. 133-152.
Government spending and growth in the second best economies (together with M. Florio and D. La Torre), Economic Models, 29 (3), May 2012, pp. 654-663.
Stochastic Technology Shocks in an Extended Uzawa- Lucas Model: Closed-Form Solution and Long-Run Dynamics (in collaboration with C. Colapinto, M. Forster and D. La Torre), Journal of Economics, 103 (1), pp. 83-99, 2011.
Culture and human capital in a two-sector endogenous growth model (in collaboration with G. Segre), Research in Economics, 65 (4), December 2011, pp. 279-293.
Transitional dynamics in the Solow-Swan model with AK technology and logistic population change (in collaboration with L. Guerrini). The BE Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 1, Issue 1, Article 43 (Arguments), 2009
Horizontal growth based on innovation and competition on the product market (in collaboration with CP Parello) Economic models, 26 (1), 2009, pp. 213-21
Population growth in a model of economic growth with accumulation of human capital and horizontal R&D. Journal of Macroeconomics, 30 (3), 2008, pp. 1124-47.
Embodied technical change and learning by doing in a two-sector growth model with human capital accumulation (in collaboration with H. Kunze and D. La Torre). In Optimal Control of Age-structured Populations in Economy, Demography, and the Environment, edited by R. Boucekkine, N. Hritonenko and Y. Yatsenko, London, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2011, chapter 6, pp. 126-39.
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